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STA630 Research Methods All Quiz

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STA630 Research Methods All Quiz Empty STA630 Research Methods All Quiz

Post by Admin Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:30 pm

of the following is an advantage of open questions?

allow respondents to answer in their own terms.

prevent respondents from giving unusual answers.

allow respondents to put less effort into their answer.

allow respondents to code their answers in advance.

key objective of data analysis is to:


relationships between variables

the distribution of responses for each question

tables which display the survey results

variable is:

characteristic of interest that can take on more than one value

as the groups manipulated in experimental research

complete set of scores we use in statistical analysis

specified only in observational research

an interview is conducted with a respondent who does not meet the
qualifications for a study, what kind of bias has occurred?





of the the following is not included in Objects?





frequency tables total of columns and rows are called:

of table

of table

of table


is the variable called that a researcher manipulates in an experiment?




of the given options

type of sampling strategy is exemplified by selecting two types of individuals:
those who are extremely happy and those who are extremely sad?





logic of qualitative data analysis is described as:





which of the following nonrandom sampling techniques does the researcher ask
the research participants to identify other potential research participants?





is the final step of a scientific investigation?

Analyze data

Collect data

Report the findings ???

Determine whether the hypothesis was

of the following means that all the items in a scale or index fit together or
measure a single construct?


Index ??



advantage of computer-assisted telephone interviewing is:

Interviewing time is reduced

Data quality is enhanced ??

Questionnaires do not have to be

There is little opportunity for interviewer

of the following number of variables involved in Descriptive Statistics?

correct option:




All of the given options ??

of the following is NOT characteristic of qualitative data?

Thick, rich descriptions ??



Concise and succinct

type of the interview that is in which questions are already prepared?





method of sampling is least likely to produce bias?

Opportunity Sampling

Sampling ??



type of question is most likely to be used when the researcher is just starting
to explore what people think about a particular topic?





of the following is false with regard to the benefits of multiple-choice
questions over open-ended questions?

questions are easier to design

questions are less costly for coding and data processing

questions are quicker to administer

use of multiple-choice questions results in higher cooperation for
self-administered surveys

of the following true about the relationship between theory building and data

studies come out as expected, inductive support for the theory is gained.

an experiment fails, discarding the experiment is an example of affirming the

a hypothesis is not supported, virtually nothing has been learned about the

good theory will be inclusive enough to explain every possible research

1) How can we determine if a test has good

It produces the same result when it is given at
different times to the same group of people

It produces the same result no matter which version of
the test is used

c) It measures what it is supposed to measure

All of the questions on it can be answered
accurately by the subject ??

2) Why do you need to review the existing literature?

To give your dissertation a proper academic appearance,
with lots of references

Because without it, you could never reach the required

c) To find out what is already
known about your area of interest

To help in your general studying

3) When you are confident that the experimental
manipulation produced the changes you measured in the dependent variable, your
study probably has good ________ validity.


b) Internal


Causal ??

4) Preliminary Data Collection may be considered as
part of ----------------?

Descriptive research

Explananory research

c) Exploratory research

All of the given options

5) Rationalism is the application of:


b) Logic and arguments


Previous findings

6) If a researcher is studying the effect of using
laptops in his classroom to ascertain their merit and worth, he is likely
conducting which type of research?

a) Basic




7) _________ meanings attached to a concept create
problems of measurements.





Cool Which of the following is not included in


b) People


d) Weight

9) Which
one of the following creates problems of measurements of a concept?

a) Unambiguous

Vague meanings

Clear meanings

Dictionary meanings

10) The
________ is only useful if the concepts, ideas, questions, etc. to be
investigated are both testable and falsifiable

Independent Variable

Dependent Variable

Experimental Method

d) Scientific Method

11) Which
of the following is likely to reduce the validity of a test?

Unclear test directions

Ambiguous test items

Untaught items

d) All of the given options

12) If a
researcher was studying the use of various instructional approaches to the
"multiple intelligences" of his students, he is likely to be
conducting which type of research?


b) Applied


Grounded theory

14) The extent to which we can generalize the
results of a study to other participants is called:

Sampling validity

b) External validity

Construct validity

Internal validity

Research questions are crucial because they

Guide your decisions about what data to collect
and from where.

Help you decide which research area interests you.

Ensure that your findings have external validity.

Prevent you from thinking about research strategies.

17) What
is the basis of the Scientific Method?

a) To
test hypotheses in conditions that are condusive to its success.

formulate a research problem and disprove the hypothesis.

b) To
formulate a research problem, test the hypothesis in carefully controlled
conditions that challenge the hypothesis.

c) To
test hypotheses and if they are disproved, they should be abandoned completely.

18) Ms. Roshi has been coordinating the Annual
Festival at her school for the last several years. She wants to be sure the
students and parents enjoy the festival again this year. On which source is she
LEAST likely to rely when making decisions about what to do?

Tradition ??

Personal experience

c) Research

d) Expert
opinion ??

19) A
review that only demonstrates familiarity with an area is rarely published but
it often is part of an educational program is which type of review?

a) Integrative

b) Theoretical

c) Self-study

d) Historical

20) Under which of the following research method
is not applicable?

Health care


Government offices

Imaginary worlds

23) The
organization of concepts in sequence from the most concrete and individual to
the most general indicates is:

One that bears no relation to the underlying concept.

An abstract, theoretical definition of a concept.

The degree of abstraction ??

An operational definition

25) A
concept is a generalized idea about------ .

a) A
class of objects

b) Attributes

c) Occurrences

d) All
of the given options

Procedures determining what two issues are rarely used in quantitative

a) Objectivity
and subjectivity

b) Reliability
and validity

c) Accessibility
and replicability

d) Quality
and quantity

What is a relationship between the literature survey
and the theoretical framework?

a solid foundation for developing the latter ??

Literature survey helps in the
identification of the relevant variables

The theoretical framework explains
the theory underlying these relations

of the given options ??

What is one way that distortions can be produced in
self report data?


Social desirability bias

Faulty memory

All of the given options

The logic of purposive sampling is:

That a random sample can generalize
to a population.

That a few information-rich
participants studied in depth yield many insights about a topic.

To include all participants, even
though they are not all relevant to the problem.

To use participants because the
researcher has access to them.

The scientific method is preferred over other ways of
knowing because it is more;




All of the given options ??

What research is?

A lab

A report

systematic Enquiry ??

A procedure

You wish to make a precise estimate about the
characteristics of a population of individuals. You should use:

Quota sampling


Accidental sampling

Snowball sampling

Increasing the size of the sample is likely to:

Decrease sampling error but increase
non-sampling error

Increase sampling error but decrease
non-sampling error

Decrease both sampling error and
non-sampling error

Increase both sampling error and
non-sampling error

------------------surveys are more impersonal than
face-to-face interviews.


Recorded Interview

Focus group


Which of the following is an excellent way to enhance
the validity of interview data collection?

Select correct option:

an extended period of time in the field.

participant trust.

your own biases

Spend time in field,obtain
participant trust, recognize biases. ??

Which of the following provides insight into the
complexity of using interviews?

Select correct option:

influence of gender or cultural differences between interviewer and interviewee

accuracy of the interviewee's responses

different semantic meanings of the language being used

Accuracy, influences and
language used ??

How is nominal data presented?


discrete categories

of equal distance

where there is a true zero

Quantitative data is?

in numerical form

with how things are expressed



Which of the following can be refered as a reputaional

Purposive sampling

Quota sampling

Convenience sampling

Snowball sampling??

A one tailed hypothesis predicts

The future

The lottery result

The frequency of effect

The director of the effect ??

All of these are
characteristics of scientific methods of research except, it is



Unethical ??



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STA630 Research Methods All Quiz Empty Re: STA630 Research Methods All Quiz

Post by Admin Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:30 pm

Which of the following is a research method that allow
a researcher to get information about a large number of subjects relatively
inexpensively and easily?

Naturalistic observation

Case study

Laboratory observation

Survey ??

Which type of questions should be first in a
questionnaire of interview?

Questions about demographics such as age and gender

Question about attitudes and behavior

Most easy question

Difficult questions

Which of the following is not an example of deception?

A part of the truth is not
communicated to the respondent

To observe code of ethics

To leak out information regarding any
confidential matter

To create bias between respondents
before the survey

What type of sample involves some form of random selection
so that every member of the sampling frame has an equal, non-zero chance of
being included in the sample?


Zero-bias sample

All-inclusive sample

Non-probability sample

The number of people who complete a survey in relation
to the number of people contacted to participate is called the:

Response set

Response rate

Response bias

Respondents ??

When accessing the internet, which of these steps is
the most essential?

Recording the full URL

Noting the access dates

Downloading material to be referenced

are all equally important

In which of the following Tests, we give extra training
to the interviewer in case of big research funded by an organization?

Test Run

Test ??

Post Hoc Test

T- Test

Which of the following is an example of deception in
business research?

The obtaining of company material
without permission.

The researcher wearing a disguise
during an observation.

researcher representing their research as being about a different topic. ??

The researcher failing to ask
permission to interview someone.

An operational definition is:

that bears no relation to the underlying concept.

abstract, theoretical definition of a concept.

definition of a concept in terms of specific, empirical measures.

that refers to opera singers and their work.

Which of the following steps of the scientific method
is exemplified by the researcher reviewing the literature and focusing on a
specific problem that has yet to be resolved?

Select correct option:

a topic.

the procedures to collect information.

the collected information.

the results of the data analysis.

Detailed and unambiguous instructions are particularly
important for:

telephone surveys

Mail surveys

personal interviews


Quiz (No.02)
Quiz will cover lecture 01- 19

The purpose of a literature review is to:

Help you find out what is already known about this

Identify any inconsistencies or gaps in the literature.

Demonstrate an awareness of the theoretical context in
which the current study can be located.

Find what is already known, identify gaps demonstrate

Ms. Laiba has decided to use the test at the end of the
textbook to measure the achievement levels of the students in her study. Which
of the following BEST describes the chapter test?





If a measure is consistent over multiple occasions, it





Quantitative researcher's preoccupation with
generalization is an attempt to:

the law like findings of the natural sciences.

their chances of publication.

the internal validity of their research.

the complex techniques of statistical analysis.

What does Ordinal scale NOT imply?

of nominal scale

the object

not provide magnitude of object


Quantitative social researchers rarely claim to have
established causality because:

are more concerned with publishing the results of their reliability tests.

do not believe that this is an appropriate goal to be striving for.

keep forgetting which of the variables they have manipulated.

They tend
to use cross-sectional designs, which produce only correlations.

When we say that science is parsimonious, we mean that:

theories are based on laws.

must be careful because causes can occur after specific effects.

best scientific theories are those that offer the simplest explanations for a

accurately describes a wide range of behavior.

Which one of the following tasks is NOT accomplished by
theoretical framework?

the relationship among the variables

the logic underlying the relationship between the variables.

the nature, and direction of the relationships among the variables.

the previous studies.

A good qualitative problem statement:

Defines the independent
and dependent variables

a sense of emerging design

a research hypothesis to be tested

the relationship between variables that the researcher expects to find.

Which of the following is an example of a dilemma that
might face feminist business researchers conducting qualitative interviews with

What role to adopt when interviewing
male managers?

How many female employees should be
interviewed for a representative sample?

to overcome the issue of false consciousness?

What data to use when publishing

Which of the following is not something a researcher
will have to consider when thinking about their sample size?

Time and cost.


Length of questionnaire.

Heterogeneity of population.

The validity of a measure refers to the:

Particular type of construct

Comprehensiveness with which it
measures the construct

Accuracy with which it measures the

Consistency of the measurement

Which of the following is an example of an issue that
would be checked in a pilot testing?

Completion of all questions on a

Legible writing

Single responses to all multiple
choice questions

Logical answers between
questions (i.e., attributes should be rated high if purchase interest is
high) ?????

A telephone company is interested in obtaining customers'
reactions to a new service package. Which of the following primary research
methods would be most effective in reaching this audience to obtain their
An Internet survey
Telephone interviews
A mail survey
Focus groups

To explain, predict, and/or control phenomena are the
goal of----------------------




scientific method

A measure has high internal consistency reliability

observers make the same ratings using the measure.

score at the high end of the scale every time they complete the measure.

observers obtain the same score every time they use the measure.

of the items correlates with other items on the measure.

The independent variable is;

variable manipulated in order to observe its effects ???

variable that is measured

The free
spirited variable

confounding variable

A literature review requires;




All of the given option

Which of the following is NOT an unethical issue?


legal liability


Seek approval for research

Which of the following is NOT an unethical issue?


legal liability


Non of the given options


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Location : Sharqi Abadi Mustafabad Kasur
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STA630 Research Methods All Quiz Empty Re: STA630 Research Methods All Quiz

Post by Admin Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:31 pm

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a
good research topic?

It is

can be investigated through the collection and analysis of data.

focuses on a philosophical or ethical issue.

It is
theoretically or practically significant.

To say that a theory is falsifiable is to say that;

It is
based on results that are not replicable.

have replaced it with a simpler or more accurate theory.

can imagine results that would contradict it.

It is
so vague that it fits any and all possible results.

Ms. Tania is thinking about changing her instructional
approach to a more mastery-learning orientation. She is interested in knowing
more about this topic as well as its effectiveness when working with elementary
school students. On which source should she rely for such information?




Personal experience

Which of the following is not a feature of theoretical

an inventory of variables

the direction of relationship

Presenting findings

an inventory of propositions

What type of process research is?

process to discover the truth

process to invent the machines

process to make new medicines

process to create theories

Measurement reliability refers to the:

Accuracy of the scores

Consistency of the scores

Dependency of the scores

Comprehensiveness of the scores

Which of the following should not be a consideration in
writing a proposal?

Understanding the problem situation

The appearance/form of the proposal

Responding to every element exactly
as specified by the client

Knowing as much as possible about the
proposal recipients

Which of the following is most beneficial to read in an


Introduction ??


References ??

The researcher protects the confidentiality in
following ways, Except;

signed nondisclosure documents.

Restricting access to data
instruments where the respondent is identified.

Disclosure of data subsets.

Restricting access to respondent

Which of the following is the least appropriate
research problem?

Does studying Latin improve the standardized vocabulary
test scores of seventh grade students?

Does drilling fifth grade students with multiplication
facts improve their standardized test scores?

What is the relationship between students' math
attitudes and math achievement?

Should students have access to controversial novels in school?

Which of the following is the BEST hypothesis?

Students taking formative quizzes will perform better
on chapter exams than students not taking these quizzes.

Taller students will have higher test scores than
shorter students.

Students taught in a cooperative group setting should do
better than students in a traditional class.

Students using laptops will do well.

Why, as scientists, do we not want to rely on authority
for explanations?

Those in authority are often wrong.

Those in authority cannot be

Those in authority rely too much on
objective information.

Those in authority often have no
common sense.

Which of the following is a


Total Quality Management.

Human Resource Management.

of the given options

Research may differ along a series of dimensions. Which
of the following may be applied to this statement?

type of data collected.

The data-collection technique.

The level of manipulation used to
elicit data collection.

All of the given options ??

Which of the following is the best hypothesis statement
to address the research question, "What impact will the new advertising
campaign have on use of Brand B?"

The new advertising campaign will
impact Brand B usage.

new advertising campaign will increase Brand B trial

The new advertising campaign will
cause increased Brand B usage at the expense of Brand C.

The new advertising campaign will
increase Brand B's market penetration.

Bias is defined as;

The distortion of responses based on
gender, ethnicity, race, or language

A lack of validity

A lack of reliability

A poor interpretation of a student's

In which way does a ratio scale measurement differ from
an interval measurement?

It measures larger or smaller scores
on some underlying dimension.

It implies the existence of an
absolute zero value.

It requires the mutual exclusivity of
all cases.

It requires that exhaustiveness is
applied to all observations.

A ________ scale only assigns numbers to objects to
classify the objects according to the characteristic of interest.





What is required if there is a chance that data could
harm the respondents?

Change of results

A signed form detailing the types of

Free consent of respondents

All of the given options

2. On which of the following, scientific knowledge
mostly relies?
A. Logical understanding
B. Identification of events
C. Prior knowledge
D. All of the given options

3. Which of the following refers to research supported by measurable
A. Opinion
B. EmpiricismC. Speculation
D. Rationalism

4. Research method is applicable in all of the following fields, EXCEPT;
A. Health care
B. Religion
C. Business
D. Government offices

5. All of the following are true statements about action research, EXCEPT;
A. Data are systematically analyzed
B. Data are collected systematically
C. Results are generalizable
D. Results are used to improve practice
6. Which of the following is characteristic of action research?
A. Variables are tightly controlled
B. Results are generalizable
C. Data are usually qualitative
D. Results demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships

8. Exploratory research addresses which of the following types of question?
A. If
B. How
C. Why
D. What

9. Which of the following is not the source for getting information for
exploratory research?
A. Content analysisB. Survey
C. Case study
D. Pilot study

10. Which of the following is the main quality of a good theory?
A. A theory that has survived attempts at falsification
B. A theory that is proven to be right
C. A theory that has been disproved
D. A theory that has been falsified

11. Which of the following is not a concept?
A. Leadership
B. Total Quality Management
C. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)D. Human Resource Management

12. A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another variable is known
A. Discontinuous variable
B. Dependent variable
C. Independent variable
D. Intervening variable

13. Which of the following is the opposite of a variable?
A. An extraneous variable
B. A dependent variable
C. A data set
D. A constant

14. Which of the following can best be described as a
categorical variable?
A. Age
B. Annual income
C. Grade point average
D. Religion

15. “Income distribution of employees” in a specific organization is an example
of which of following type of variable?
A. Discontinuous variable
B. Continuous variableC. Dependent variable
D. Independent variable

16. “There is no relationship between higher motivation level and higher
efficiency” is an example of which type of hypothesis?
A. Alternative
B. Null
C. Correlational
D. Research

17. Which of the following is not a role of hypothesis?
A. Guides the direction of the study
B. Determine feasibility of conducting the studyC. Identifies relevant and irrelevant facts
D. Provides framework for organizing the conclusions

18. Hypothesis test may also be called as:
A. Informal test
B. Significance test
C. Moderating test
D. T-test

19. Which type of review compares how different theories address an issue?
A. Context review
B. Integrated review
C. Theoretical reviewD. Methodological review

20. After you locate a source, you should write down all details of the
reference, EXCEPT;
A. Volumes
B. Titles
C. Price

sta630 quiz 1 2009

What research is?

A lab experiment

A report

A systematic Enquiry

A procedure

The elaboration of the variables in the theoretical
framework addresses which type of qestions?

Why we expect certain relationships
to exist

How we expect certain relationships
to exist

Both of the given questions ??

None of the given questions

Setting quotas for hard-to-reach respondents is one way
to minimize ________ bias.





What is an hypothesis?

A prediction of a relationship
between certain variables.

An experiment that tests certain

An independent variable.

A dependent variable

12. Which of the following true about the relationship
between theory building and data collection?

When studies come out as expected, inductive support
for the theory is gained.

If an experiment fails, discarding the experiment is an
example of affirming the consequent. ??

When a hypothesis is not supported, virtually nothing
has been learned about the theory.

A good theory will be inclusive enough to explain every possible research

The extent to which we can generalize the results of a
study to other participants is called:

Sampling validity

External validity

Construct validity

Internal validity

Which one of the following is not an assumption of

There are
reoccurring patterns in the world.

Events happen
because of preceding causes.

We can discover
solutions to problems of interest.

explanations must agree with common sense.

The most critical areas of an article to read is;

Results section

Introduction ??



may differ along a series of dimensions. Which of the following may be applied
to this statement?
► The level of manipulation used to elicit data collection.
► The data-collection technique.
► The type of data collected.
► Type, technique and manipulation of data collection.


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STA630 Research Methods All Quiz Empty Re: STA630 Research Methods All Quiz

Post by Admin Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:31 pm

Which of the following is least likely to occur as an ethical problem with

People are not likely to be able to stop once they have
begun participating.

consent cannot be completely monitored.

could be avoided.

Privacy could
be invaded.

All of the
given options

Which of the following is the least obtrusive and most
accurate method for recording data in an interview?

Note taking


Audio taping

notes after the interview ??

Which of the following is most beneficial to read in an





If a nominal scale is used, it is permissible to
calculate which of the following statistics?





One of the preoccupations of quantitative researchers
is with generalization, which is a sign of

1. External

2. Internal

3. External

4. Internal

The following journal article would be an example of
_______ research; "The benefits of florescent lighting on production in a
factory setting."





Quantitative research has been criticized because:

The measurement process suggests a spurious and
artificial sense of accuracy.

The reliance on
instruments and procedures makes it high in ecological validity. It underestimates the similarities between
objects in the natural and social worlds.
It has no validity.

What is the reason for consulting handbooks, yearbooks,
encyclopedias, or reviews in the initial stages of identifying a research

They are
readily available.

They provide
an overview of the issues related to a topic.

They are
primary sources.

They avoid
reporting statistical data so one can interpret the results more easily.

A researcher developed a measure of shyness and is now
asking whether this measure does in fact measure a person's true state of
shyness. This is a question of:


Construct validity


Content validity

When doing research involving deception with human
subjects, researchers have an obligation to do which of the following?

Tell subjects the truth about the study’s purpose and
methods after the study is completed

Prevent mental and physical harm to subjects

Let subjects withdraw from the study at any time if
they don’t want to keep participating

All of the given options

Which of the following is not a function of clearly
identified research questions?

They guide your literature search.??

They keep you focused throughout the
data collection period.

They make the scope of your research
as wide as possible.

They are linked together to help you
construct a coherent argument.

Why does qualitative interviewing have an advantage
over participant observation when it comes to longitudinal research?

Repeat interviews are easier to organize

It allows for a better exploration of key issues

It is a more focused research method

Participant observers are prone to go native during
longitudinal research

After a researcher has stated the specific problem to
be studied in an experiment, he must then develop a(n):

Summary of the data

Temperature is measured from which scale?

· Nominal

· Ordinal

· Interval

· All
the given options.

Which of the following is a threat to internal validity
of an experimental design?

1. Maturation

2. Interaction
of setting and treatment

3. Interaction
effects of pre-testing

4. reactive
effects of experimental design

Which of the following statements is correct about
validity and reliability?

1. When
internal validity is high, external validity is low

2. When
internal validity is high, there is no change in external validity

3. When
internal validity is high, external validity is also high

4. All of
the given option

Which of the following effect in internal validity occurs
when test units with extreme scores move closer to the average score during the
course of the experiment?

1. Statistical

2. Selection

3. Maturation

4. Instrumentation

Interval scale measures which of the following?

1. The
distance between each participant’s individual score

2. An
individual’s score from zero upwards

3. more or
less of some underlying assumptions

4. Absolute

Which of the following are legitimate frameworks for
setting out a literature review?

(1)Constructing interextual coherence (2) Deconstruction of textual coherence

(3) Problematizing the situation (4) Resolving the discovered

· 1

· 2&3

· 1&3

· 2&4

Fall 2009
STA630- Research Methods
Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Who, among the following, wrote the book "Research Methods for
► Zikmund, W.
► Sekaran, U.
► Dessler, G.
► Neuman, W.C.

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
What does an empiricist believe?
► All the knowledge that we have of life after death can be used in research.
► Knowledge in the form of ‘facts’ should be gained through sensory experience.
► Research conducted within the British Empire was biased and unreliable.
► Research should not always necessarily rely on the scientific methods.

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Action research usually takes place in a single school because;
► It is designed to answer questions about improving practice in a particular
► It is difficult to secure permission to study students in multiple schools.
► Teachers do not have the necessary skills to conduct research across multiple
► Data collection methods used in action research are designed for single

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following is characteristic of action research?
► Variables are tightly controlled.
► Results are generalizable.
► Results demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships.
► Data are usually qualitative.

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following statements is TRUE for qualitative research question?
► It asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be explored.
► It is generally an open-ended question.
► It asks a question which may be open ended.
► It asks a closed ended question.

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following is NOT an example of quantitative variable?
► Age
► Grade point average
► Gender
► Motivation

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In research, something that does not “vary” is known as:
► Variable
► Method
► Constant
► Control group

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The cause variable or the one that identifies forces or conditions that act on
something else is known as:
► Moderating variable
► Independent variable
► Categorical variable
► Dependent variable

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following statements best defines hypothesis?
► A quantitative study.
► A tentative prediction of the results of the research.
► A qualitative research design.
► The operational definition of the study.

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following is the characteristic/s of Hypotheses in qualitative
research studies?
► Hypotheses are very specific and stated prior to beginning the study.
► Hypotheses are never used.
► Hypotheses are often generated as the data are collected, interpreted, and
► Hypotheses are always stated after the research study has been completed.

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Hypothesis test may also be called as:
► Informal test
► Moderating test
► Significance test
► t-test

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following refers to "A review that only demonstrates
familiarity with an area is rarely published but it often is part of an
educational program is which type of review"?
► Integrative review
► Theoretical review
► Self-study review
► Historical review

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the following tasks is NOT accomplished by theoretical framework?
► Elaborate the relationship among the variables
► Explain the logic underlying the relationship between the variables.
► Describe the nature, and direction of the relationships among the variables.
► Relates the previous studies.

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following strategies is useful when defining a particular research
► To clearly articulate the research question, to provide operational,
definitions and ensuring its testability.
► To clearly articulate the research question, outlining the conditions in
which the phenomena of interest are to be investigated.
► To provide operational definitions of the ideas or concepts involved in the
► Ensuring that their research question is empirically testable.

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
What should the business researcher be aware of when signing a confidentiality
► Any clause which limits the length of a questionnaire.
► Any clause which allows the company to comment on findings that will be
► Any clause which increases the level of access for the researcher.
► Any clause which guarantees the anonymity of research participants.

Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In a study of concept learning in first-graders, all of the following should
happen, except;
► To help make the experience enjoyable, children should be given substantial
incentives to participate.
► The children should be asked if they want to participate.
► Teachers of the children in their classes should give informed consent.
► Parents must give consent.

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following is least likely to occur as an ethical problem with
electronic research?
► Privacy could be invaded.
► People are not likely to be able to stop once they have begun participating.
► Debriefing could be avoided.
► Informed consent cannot be completely monitored.

Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Quantitative research has been criticised because:
► The reliance on instruments and procedures makes it high in ecological
► The measurement process suggests a spurious and artificial sense of accuracy.

► It underestimates the similarities between objects in the natural and social
► It has no validity.

Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following is a characteristic of a standardized test?
► The administration of the test is controlled carefully to ensure that all
examinees experience the same conditions.
► The test is developed by experts to ensure it is technically sound.
► The scores are interpreted in standard ways.
► All of the given options

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Mr. Latif is measuring students' attitudes on a controversial topic. Which of
the following would you recommend he use to control for the potential problem
of students feeling the need to respond with socially acceptable responses?
► Ensure construct validity
► Allow anonymous responses
► Ensure reliability
► Ensure confidentiality

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following scales can measure the Temperature?
► Nominal scale
► Ordinal scale
► Interval scale
► All of the given options

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Following are the properties of nominal scale, except;
► Least powerful
► Suggest no order
► Provide categorical information
► Provide magnitude of object

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following is NOT the implication of Ordinal scale?
► Characteristics of nominal scale
► Rank the object
► Does not provide magnitude of object
► Provide rate

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following statements is correct about validity and reliability?
► When internal validity is high, external validity is low
► When internal validity is high, there is no change in external validity
► When internal validity is high, external validity is also high
► All of the given options

Question No: 25 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
When you are confident that the experimental manipulation produced the changes
you measured in the dependent variable, your study probably has good ________
► Internal
► External
► Causal
► Construct

Question No: 26 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Mr. Ali has conducted an extensive review of the literature and has deductively
reasoned a hypothesis about his problem on the basis of this review. Which type
of a research plan is Mr. Ali likely proposing?
► Qualitative
► Ethical
► Both quantitative and qualitative
► Quantitative

Question No: 27 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following is a legitimate purpose of a research plan?
► It forces you to think through every aspect of a study.
► It provides detailed procedures to guide the conduct of the study.
► It provides clear roadmap of the study.
► Writing a plan facilitates the evaluation of it.

Question No: 28 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In the statement ‘Smoke badly destroys health of people’ what is the unit of
► Transportation
► Individuals
► Pollutants
► Drugs


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STA630 Research Methods All Quiz Empty Re: STA630 Research Methods All Quiz

Post by Admin Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:32 pm

Question No: 29 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
While studying supervisor-subordinate relationship in an organization, what is
the unit of analysis?
► Individual
► Dyad
► Employer-employee
► Organization
Question No: 30 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following types of survey research is often used for program
evaluation or accreditation purposes?
► Developmental surveys
► Followup studies
► Public opinion polls
► No survey research is appropriate
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following is NOT an example of a problem with using survey
research to investigate behaviour?
► Respondents tend to answer by giving the most socially desirable answer.
► Respondents may inadvertently omit key terms in the question.
► Respondents may not give an honest reply to what they see as a threatening
► Respondents may be unwilling to reveal information as they believe they are
likely to be identified.

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
What should the researcher do if they have achieved a low response rate?
► Copy responses and paste them again.
► Abandon the research project entirely.
► Recognize and accept the possible limitations of a low response rate.
► Fill in some more questionnaires themselves.

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following statements is correct about questionnaire?
► A questionnaire should run to at least twenty pages.
► The questions should have no spaces between them so that the whole
questionnaire looks small.
► Only questionnaires that are A3 size achieve high response rates.
► Clear presentation is more important than overall size.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Critical decision area in questionnaire construction is which of the following?
► Question content
► Question wording
► Response strategy
► All of the given options ??

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The most critical area of an article to read is;
► Introduction
► Abstract
► Results section
► Limitations

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following is/are advantage(s) of the self-completed questionnaire?
► Inability to confirm who completed the questionnaire
► Its unsuitability for some kinds of respondents
► Inability to ask many questions that are not directly relevant to the
► Easy to justify the answer

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Time consumed in mall intercept interview is representing which of the
following type?
► High
► Moderate ??
► Low
► Nill

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following similarity is found in Qualitative research and Survey
► Examine topics primarily from the participants' perspectives.
► They are guided by predetermined variables to study.
► They are descriptive research methods.
► Have large sample sizes.

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following represent a good qualitative problem statement?
► Defines the independent and dependent variables.
► conveys a sense of emerging design.
► Specifies a research hypothesis to be tested.
► Specifies the relationship between variables that the researcher expects to

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following makes research questions very crucial?
► Guide your decisions about what data to collect and from where.
► Help you decide which research area interests you.
► Ensure that your findings have external validity.
► Prevent you from thinking about research strategies.

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )
How would you explain "Research Proposal" and its different sections?

- Research Methods Assignment 2 Solution

Two parts of theories its

2- Reliability.


1. Test and Retest
and reliability ( 5 marks)
Functions of theory and most important function

What should the researcher do if they have achieved a low response rate?
► Copy responses and paste them again.
► Abandon the research project entirely.
► Recognize and accept the possible limitations of a low response rate.
► Fill in some more questionnaires themselves.

Which of the following statements might
assist response rates?
► Please photocopy the questionnaire five times and
pass on to your work colleagues.
► Please make sure that the questionnaire is
completed with a fountain pen.
► Please read the attached journal article on the ontological foundations of
positivism prior to completing the questionnaire.
► Please put the completed questionnaire in the
enclosed stamped addressed envelope and place in the mail out tray.

Which of the following is NOT a longitudinal study?
► Panel study
► Cohort study
Census study ??
► Trend study

Mr. Ali has described in great detail the major steps he will follow in
conducting his study. This information is likely found in which section of his
research plan?
► Introduction
► Participants
► Methodology
► Data Analysis

Cross cultural studies are an example of:
► Comparative design.
► Longitudinal design.
Experimental design.
► Case study design.

The validity of a measure refers to which of the following?
► Consistency of the measurement
► Particular type of construct specification
► Comprehensiveness with which it measures the construct
► Accuracy with which it measures the construct

Which of the following is a threat to the internal validity of an experimental design?
► Maturation
► Interaction of setting and treatment
► Interaction effects of pre-testing
► Reactive effects of experimental arrangements

Which of the following is NOT the implication of Ordinal scale?
► Characteristics of nominal scale
► Rank the object
► Does not provide magnitude of object
► Provide rate

Interval measures reflect which of the following?
► The distance between each participant's individual scores.
► An individual's score from zero upwards.
► More or less of some underlying dimension.
► Absolute zero.

Which of the following scales can measure the Temperature?
► Nominal scale
► Ordinal scale
► Interval scale
► All of the given options

Which of the following is the implication of the ordinal scale?
► Characteristics of nominal scale
► Rank the object
► Does not provide magnitude of object
► All of the given options

Which of the following functions is performed by the Ratio scale?
► Categorize
► Distance
► Order
► Unique origin

Which of the following functions is performed by the Odinal scale?
► Categorize
► Distance
► Order
► Unique origin

Which of the following refers to Test reliability?
► The types of item-writing errors that exist in the test.
► Consistency in the test results.
► Generalizability of the research results.
► The extent to which the test measures what it is supposed to measure.

Mr. Hasan’s son has applied to a high school in
, but the application was denied solely on his low score on
the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS). His son wants to attend this school and
contends his current grades and other standardized test scores speak well to
both his past work and future academic capability. Which of the following
characteristics of the ITBS is being questioned by this student?
► Construct validity
► Content validity
► Predictive validity
► Concurrent validity

Which of the following BEST describes an assessment that examines students'
ability to conduct a chemistry experiment in the lab?
► Aptitude
► Interest inventory
► Performance assessment
► Standardized test

What is the first step in the research process?
► Problem definition
► Define broad problem area
► Theoretical framework
► Preliminary data collection

Which of the following statements best describes the systematic literature
► One which starts in your own library, then goes to on-line databases and,
finally, to the internet.
► A replicable, scientific and transparent process.
► One which gives equal attention to the principal contributors to the area.
► A responsible, professional process of time-management for research.

“The higher the level of job satisfaction of the officers the lower the
rate of turnover in an organization”, is a:
► Descriptive hypothesis
► Relational hypothesis
► Relational and directional hypothesis
► Relational and non directional hypothesis

Which of the following is a nondirectional hypothesis?

► Teachers receiving holistic stress-reduction training will be less stressed
than teachers who do not receive such training.
► Teachers receiving holistic stress reduction training will have similar
levels of stress as teachers who do not receive such training.
► Teachers receiving holistic stress reduction training will have significantly
lower stress levels than teachers who are not receiving such training.
► Teachers receiving holistic stress reduction training will have statistically
significanthigher levels of stress than teachers who do not receive such

The cause variable or the one that identifies forces or conditions that act on
something else is known as:
► Moderating variable
► Independent variable
► Categorical variable
► Dependent variable

Which of the following refers to"A condition or characteristic that can
take on different values or categories"?
► A constant
► A variable
► A cause and effect relationship
► A descriptive relationship

Which of the following is the definition of an independent variable?
► A variable that is manipulated or controlled by the experimenter.
► A response variable.
► The behavioural measure made by the experimenter.
► A dependent variable that is controlled by the experimenter.

All of the following are true about
theories, except:
► They organize and summarize existing knowledge about a topic.
► They are tentative until the facts prove them true.
► They provide possible explanations for the phenomenon under study.
► They lead to testable hypotheses through the process of deduction.

Which of the following statements is
TRUE for qualitative research question?
► It asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be explored.
► It is generally an open-ended question.
► It asks a question which may be open ended.
► It asks a closed ended question.

of the following criteria should be a primary concern in evaluating an action
research topic?
► The topic studied is of immediate importance to the researcher.
► The study will assist others in improving practice.
► The topic can be studied without the need for observation.
► The study is of concern to teachers throughout the school.

What does an empiricist believe?
► All the knowledge that we have of life after death can be used in research.
► Knowledge in the form of ‘facts’ should be gained through sensory experience.

► Research conducted within the British Empire was biased and unreliable.
► Research should not always necessarily rely on the scientific methods.

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 5 )
What is the basis of literature review and what is its significance and today's

Question No: 42 ( Marks: 5 )
A research was conducted by National Highway Authority (NHA) to see the impact
of strict driving rules on the rate of accidents.
Identify dependent and independent variables.
Classify this research according to purpose of doing research; exploratory,
descriptive or explanatory. Explain your choice.
Classify this research according to the use of research; Basic or Applied.
Explain your choice.

Cover letter must include all of the following
information, except:

► How was the respondent selected?

Importance of research topic
which is going to be conducted

► Motivation for the respondent

► Data collecting tools

Which of the
following statements is correct
about questionnaire?

questionnaire should run to at least twenty pages.

questions should have no spaces between them so that the whole questionnaire
looks small.

questionnaires that are A3 size achieve high response rates.

presentation is more important than overall size.

In the statement ‘Smoke badly destroys health of
people’ what is the unit of analysis?

► Transportation

► Individuals

► Pollutants

► Drugs

Which of the following is TRUE for research plan?

► It should be detailed.

► It should be given to others for review and comments.

► It sets out the rationale for a research study.

► All of the given options

Which of the following is considered a part of a formal
evaluation of a research plan?

► A critique by a colleague of the researcher

► A critique by an experienced researcher

► A pilot study and a field test

► Self opinion

Which of the following
statement refers to
research design?

A way of
conducting research that is not grounded in theory

choice between using qualitative or quantitative methods

style in which you present your research findings, e.g. a graph

framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data

Research may differ along a
series of dimensions. Which of the following may be applied to this statement?

► The type of data collected.

► The data-collection technique.

► The level of manipulation used to elicit data

► All of the given options.

Which of the following is not
a form of measurement validity?





In which way does a ratio scale measurement differ from
an interval measurement?

► It implies the existence of an absolute zero value. ??

► It measures larger or smaller scores on some
underlying dimension.

► It requires the mutual exclusivity of all cases.

► It requires that exhaustiveness is applied to all

Following are the properties of nominal scale, except;

► Least powerful

► Suggest no order

► Provide categorical information

► Provide magnitude of object

Which of the following types of scales is likely
measuring students' deeply held beliefs about ideas, people, or objects?

► The Study of Values

► The Attitudes toward School Scale

► The Strong Campbell Interest Inventory

► The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Norm-referenced test scores are interpreted relative

► A standard or desired level of performance that
describes what the student knows.

► Scores of others who have taken the test.

► Specific skills mastered by the student.

► The percentage of items answered correctly.

All of the following are unethical issues, EXCEPT;

► Invoicing irregularities

► Avoiding legal liability

► Misrepresenting results

► Seeking permission for entry

When embarking upon a research project, which of the
following issues should be considered?

► That the data from the study will be treated
anonymously and confidentially.

► Coherent research question, pilot work and

► Pilot work should be carried out to assess the
practical issues and feasibility of the research.

► That the research should be based upon a coherent
research question.

What should the business
researcher be aware of when signing a confidentiality agreement?

clause which limits the length of a questionnaire.

clause which allows the company to comment on findings that will be published.

clause which increases the level of access for the researcher.

clause which guarantees the anonymity of research participants.

When there is a need of generating new ideas for hypotheses
or to interpret the results of some research, which one is the best research

► Experiment

► Surveys

► Focus group discussion

► Communication analysis

Deductive research is
useful in w
hich of the following cases?

researcher uses an existing theory to develop a hypothesis.

researcher subjects a hypothesis to empirical scrutiny.

researcher has to transform concepts within a hypothesis into researchable

Use of
existing theory, empirical scrutiny, transformation of concerpt.

Why is the statement” What are the effects of
extracurricular activities on learning development of school age children” not
a good statement of a quantitative research question?

► Because the study would be too difficult to do given
all the different extracurricular activities.

► Because the statement was not specific enough to provide
an understanding of the variables being investigated.

► Because there are not enough school age children
engaged in extracurricular activities to conduct the study.

► Because there is no connection between
extracurricular activities and learning development.

Which of the following strategies is useful when
defining a particular research question?

► To clearly articulate the research question, to
provide operational, definitions and ensuring its testability.

► To clearly articulate the research question,
outlining the conditions in which the phenomena of interest are to be

► To provide operational definitions of the ideas or
concepts involved in the research.

► Ensuring that their research question is empirically

Theoretical framework is trying to develop a ________
model of our study.

► Functional

► Conceptual ??

► Operational

► Practical

Which one of the following options is a source of
literature review?

► Computer on line system

► Case studies

► Focus group discussion

► Pilot studies


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STA630 Research Methods All Quiz Empty Re: STA630 Research Methods All Quiz

Post by Admin Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:33 pm

Which of the following is the meaning of the term
To read critically"?

through the material because most of it is just padding

what you read in terms of your own research questions

willing to criticize what you read

an opposing point of view to the ideas and opinions expressed

Which of the following statements is false about

► Discrete variables allow measurement of an infinite
number of fractions of units of measurement.

► Discrete variables can only have whole number values.

► Continuous numbers can only have whole number values.

► Continuous measures do not allow for scores that fall
between two number values.

Which of the following BEST describes quantitative

► The collection of non numerical data

► An attempt to confirm the research’s hypotheses

► Research that is exploratory

► Research that attempts to generate a new theory

Which of the following research questions is BEST
answered using action research?

► How can I improve the interaction of students of
different ethnicity in my class?

► What factors influence student interaction in
multiethnic classes?

► Is there a difference between male and female
acceptance of others in multiethnic classes?

► How do students from Asian countries adjust to
classroom practices in U.S. schools?

The word action in the phrase "action
research" refers to;

► The fact that the teacher
is the researcher

► The use of the findings

► The process of collecting

► The process of analyzing

Which of the folowing is not the objective of a
research for a student of research methods course?

► Conducting research by following certain steps

► Preparing methodologies

► Ability to convert problem into researchable question

► Writing a book

Under which of the following, research method is not

► Business

► Government offices

► Imaginary worlds

► Health care

---- 41 (
Marks: 5 )

"A valid instrument is always reliable, but a
reliable instrument is not always valid". Comment on this statement.

---- 42 (
Marks: 5 )

Woodland restaurant is
situated at 10 miles from the city. Manager of Woodlands is worried about the
low customer patronage of his restaurant.
there is no proper marketing campaign for his restaurant. For the above

Identify the broad problem

Define the problem statement.

Identify one dependent and
independent variable and justify your choices by proper explanation.

Other Paper:

a comprehensive note on “Scientific Knowledge” that can depict a true picture
of all its meanings and characteristics.
What do you understand by the term Operationalization and how it is done?


we conduct Literature review?

we can find articles in Journals?

Dear fellows, here im trying to explain Research Methods subject in a very
easy way. It is just for a concept of what is Research Methods, kindly study
your handouts for more depth knowledge of Research Methods. May this topic help
you a lot understanding the subject and May you get max marks in midterms.
( Aaaamiin )

Me research k puray subject ko aik process ki surat me ap se share krta hun
with a simple example so that you can learn easily the terms of Research

1. Aap aik researcher hain aur ap ne suppose Population pe reseach krni
hy. Ap k mind me aik question aata hy keh population increase kion kr rhi hy,
ye just Observation se ap k mind me question aaya hy.

2. Is question k baad ap populations pe jo pehlay researches ho chuki
hain un ko different resources se study krtay hain, is ko Review of
previous literature kehtay hain. Ye different resources computer- online
system, scholarly journals, books, government documents or policy reports ho saktay
hain, is tarhan reviews ko study krnay ko Preliminary Data Collection
kehtay hain. In reviews ko ap just knowledge k ley study krtay hain, is tarhan
just knowledge lenay k ley reviews study krnay ko Exploratory Research
kehtay hain.

3. Then reviews se ap is nateejay pe puhnchtay hain keh population un
countries me ziada hoti hy jahan illiteracy ziada hoti hy. Means, ap reviews
study krnay se actual problem tak puhanch jatay hain, isay Problem
kehtay hain.

4. Jab ap ko actual problem ka pta chal jata hy toh ap is problem ki
main reason k ley apni research ka road map bnatay hain jesay ghar bnanay se
pehlay computer me ghar ka naqsha bnaya jata hy, isay Theoratical Framework
kehtay hain.
----- a. Research k framework k ley sab se pehlay kuch factors define
krtay hain jo keh ap k problem ko affect krtay hain, jesay hmari research ki
example me Education, Literacy, Population, Family, Living Standard,
Accupation, marriage age etc factors hain jo keh hmari problem means Population
ko effect krtay hain, in factors ko Concepts kehtay hain, Kuch factors
constant hotay hain aur kuch variable, Variable wo concepts hotay hain
jin ki value aik se ziada hoti hy, jesay uper given concepts me Education
Level, Living Standard, Age etc variable hain, means, Education ki value
Primary, Middle, High, Hiegher, kuch bhi ho sakti hy, issi tarhan, Living
Standard ki value Low Class, Middle Class, High Class, kuch bhi ho sakti hy,
means ham apnay problem se related variable ko define krtay hain.
----- b. Then in variables ka aik doosray se relation bnatay hain aur us
relation ki direction dekhtay hain, ye relations variables ki tadaad se ziada
bhi ho saktay hain, jesay ham kehtay hain keh Education ka Population k saath
Negative relation hy, issi tarhan Living standard ka Population se Negative
relation hy, Early marriage ka Population se Positive relation hy.
----- c. Then in relationships aur un ki direction ko prove krnay k ley
ham reviews aur previous researches se arguments detay hain, in solid arguments
de kr jo statements banti hain un ko Propositions kehtay hain, jesay
" increase in education level will decrease the population. " aik
proposition hy. Phir in propostions ko aik specific order me likhtay hain jisay
axiomatic wat kehtay hain, jesay Education berhnay se marriage age berh
jati hy, marriage age berhnay se female ka reproductive period kam ho jata hy,
aur reproductive period kam honay se population rate kam hota hy.

5. Kuch propositions prove krnay k ley test ki ja sakti hain aur kuch
test nhi ki ja saktein. Jo propositions prove krnay k ley test ki ja sakti hain
un ko Hypotheses kehtay hain. Ham apni problem k ley different
hopytheses generate krtay hain. aur phr tmaam Theoratical Framework ko note
diagram ki surat me likhtay hain.

6. Pher ham in hypotheses ko prove krnay k ley different data sources k
ley sochtay hain k kahan se data collect kreingay, jesay, interview ya
Questionnare, Survey se ya experiements se ya observations se ya ksi present
example ko indepth study krnay se jisay Case-Study kehtay hain ya kuch
experts ki meeting bula kr un ko discussion k ley wo topic de kr data collect
kreingay jisay Focus Group Discussions kehtay hain.

7. Jab ye data collect kr lia then is ko process krtay hain aur agr
error hain toh un ko remove krtay hain jisay Editing kehtay hain. Phir
is data ko systematic way me arrange kr k analyse krtay hain.

8. Ab ham apnay hypotheses ko test krtay hain us analysis data ki base
per. agr hmara hypotheses wrong prove hota hy toh ya to phr hmara hypotheses hi
wrong tha ya phr hmaray data me koe error ya mistake hy. Agr hypotheses right
prove ho jata hy toh phr ham us ko Report format me likhtay hain aur ye proved
hypotheses THEORY kehlati hy jo keh aanay walay researchers k ley
helpful hoti hy aur unko again prove nhi krna perti.



How would you differentiate between Frequency
Distribution Table & Bivariate Table? (10)

Question: Different advantage and Disadvantages of
using secondary Data? (10)

Question: Different Type of NON Probability
Sampling? 10

Question: Different ethical Dilemmas of field
Research? 05


1. Difference between Frequency distribution table
and bivarite table. (10)

2. Different advantages and disadvantages of using
secondry data. (10)

3. Types of non-probility sampling. (10)


Total Questions were 45

MCQ’s 40

Long Question 05.

Q# 41. Differentiate Specification Pattern and Suppressor
variables. Give examples 5 marks

Q#42. What is interaction Effect? Give examples 5

Q# 43. Situation created. Multination company
launch product “ Cleanex Tooth Paste” . There were 3 short Questions of from
the situation created. 10 marks

Q#44. Describe non reactive research with examples.
10 marks

Q# 45. How wuld you explain double blind
experiment? And what is use of placebo in it. 10 marks.


Total Questions were 45

MCQ’s 40

Long Question 05.

Q# 41. Define problems of Statistical regression
with examples. 5 marks

Q#42. Define Convenience Sampling? Give examples 5

Q# 43. References. One author book, two author book
and author book edited by two editors. A chapter from a book written by one
author. 10 marks

Q#44. Define Qualitative and Quantitative data
collection analysis and reporting with examples. 10 marks

Q# 45. Describe Indexes and Scales with examples.
10 marks.


Do you think reactivity is threat to external
validity. Explain with example 5

Importance of Data Transformation in Research 5

What is Index construction. Explain it in detail
with suitable example? 10

What is difference between survey interview and
field interview?10

Being a researcher, how would you conduct Content
Analysis Research? 10


What is the Importance of sampling for conducting a
research? 10 mark

Describe the basic principles that that the
researchers have to follow while conducting an interview? 10

What are the different measures of central
tendency? 5mark

How would you conduct a survey to collect secondary
data explain with the help of example? 5mark


importance of the sampling.

different type of field research


how the reference and quote is written in APA

how to write refrence of one author and 2 or more

Edited book of 2 auditors n edited chapter of one

difference of HC research and field research?


Differentiate between frequency an bivariate tables
10 marks

Explain the similarities of Historical comparative
research and field

research 10 marks

Explain Formal focus group 5 marks

Whta is cluster and its 2 problems? 5 marks

Explain the types of quasi experimental research 10


experiment research 5 marks

solomon's four group design 5 marks

difference between theoratical and sequential
sampling 10 marks

difference between bivariate and frequency
distribution table3s. 10 marks

linear relationship with example and also draw its
pictures 10marks

1- Hypothesis
refers to

The outcome of an experiment

A conclusion drawn from an experiment

A form of bias in which the subject tries to outguess
the experimenter

A tentative statement about the relationship

Statistics is used by researchers to

Analyze the empirical data collected in a study

Make their findings sound better

Operationally define their variables

Ensure the study comes out the way it was intended

4- A
literature review is based on the assumption that

Copy from the work of others

Knowledge accumulates and learns from the work of

Knowledge disaccumulates

None of the above option

5- A
theoretical framework

Elaborates the r/s among the variables

Explains the logic underlying these r/s

Describes the nature and direction of the r/s

All of the above

6- Which
of the following statement is not true?

A research proposal is a document that presents a plan
for a project

A research proposal shows that the researcher is
capable of successfully conducting the proposed research project

A research proposal is an unorganized and unplanned

A research proposal is just like a research report and
written before the research project

7- Preliminary
data collection is a part of the

Descriptive research

Exploratory research

Applied research

Explanatory research

8- Conducting
surveys is the most common method of generating

Primary data

Secondary data

Qualitative data

D. None
of the above

9- After
identifying the important variables and establishing the logical reasoning in
framework, the next step in the research process is

To conduct surveys

To generate the hypothesis

To focus group discussions

To use experiments in an investigation

10- The
appropriate analytical technique is determined by

The research design

Nature of the data collected

Nature of the hypothesis

Both A & B

E. WATS lines provided by long distance telephone
service at fixed rates. In this regard, WATS is the abbreviation of:

1. West Africa Theological Seminary

2. Washtenaw Area Transportation Study

3. Wide Area Telecommunications Service

4. World Air Transport Statistics

F. A list of questions which is handed over to the
respondent, who reads the questions and records the answers himself is known as

1. Interview schedule

2. Questionnaire

3. Interview guide

4. All of the given options

G. One of the most critical stages in the survey
research process is:

1. Research design

2. Questionnaire design

3. Interview design

4. Survey design

H. Question that consists of two or more questions
joined together is called a:

1. Double barreled question

2. General question

3. Accurate question

4. Confusing question

The number of questionnaires
returned or completed divided by the total number of eligible people who were
contacted or asked to participate in the survey is called the:

1. Response rate

2. Participation rate

3. Inflation rate

4. None of the given options

J. To obtain the freest opinion of the respondent,
when we ask general question before a specific question then this procedure is
called as the:

1. Research technique

2. Qualitative technique

3. Funnel technique

4. Quantitative technique

K. A small scale trial run of a particular component
is known as:

1. Pilot testing

2. Pre-testing

3. Lab experiments

4. Both A & B

L. Field testing of the questionnaire shows that:

1. Respondents are willing to co-operate

2. Respondents are not willing to co-operate

3. Respondents do not like any participation

4. All of the given options

M. Service evaluation
of hotels and restaurants can be done by the:

1. Self-administered questionnaires

2. Office assistant

3. Manager

4. None of the given options

  • The ___________analysis is a technique for
    gathering and analyzing the content of a text:

    • Content analysis
    • Graphical analysis
    • Field analysis
    • Mathematical analysis

  • __________is the strength or power of a
    message in a direction

    • Intensity
    • Frequency
    • Direction
    • Space

  • __________data refers to information gathered
    by someone other than the researcher conducting the present study:

A. Primary data

B. Secondary data

C. Qualitative data

D. Quantitative data

  • ___________research produces soft data:

A. Qualitative research

B. Quantitative research

C. Descriptive research

D. Applied research

  • ____________research produces hard data:

A. Qualitative research

B. Quantitative research

C. Descriptive research

D. Applied research

  • _________interview is always with one respondent alone:

A. Survey interview

B. Field interview

C. Telephone interview

D. Electronic interview

  • Historiography is the method of doing
    _________research or of gathering & analyzing historical evidence:

A. Historical research

B. Basic research

C. Applied research

D. Action research

  • Historical comparative researches often use
    _________sources or different data types in combination:

A. Primary sources

B. Secondary sources

C. Internal sources

D. External sources

  • _________is a comprehensive description and
    analysis of a single situation in a number of specific situations or

A. Case study

B. Content analysis

C. Field research

D. None of the given options


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Post by Admin Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:36 pm

1. Which one of the
following sets is the measure of central tendency?

Mean, standard deviation, mode

Mean, median, standard deviation

Arithmetic mean, median, mode

Standard deviation, internal validity, mode

2. In lab experiment the effect of Variables is controlled to
evaluate the causal relationship.

  • Extraneous
  • Moderate
  • Intervening
  • All
    of the above

3. Internal validity refers to .

  • Researcher’s
    degree of confidence.

  • Generalizability
  • Operationalization
  • All
    of the above

4. Which of the following is the weakest
experimental design?

  • One
    group pretest-posttest design

  • Quasi-
    experimental design

  • Two
    group posttest only design

  • Ex
    post facto design

5. How many times the students appear in the
research class is the example of _________.

  • Intensity
  • Space
  • Frequency
  • Direction

6. Disadvantage of content analysis is .

  • Researcher
    can increase the sample size

  • Provides
    access on the subjects to which researcher does have physical access.

  • Sometime
    documents provide incomplete account to the researcher

  • Spontaneous
    feelings can be recorded when they occurred

7. Which
of the following statement is incorrect with respect to “An experimental design
is a set of procedures specifying:”

  • How
    the test units (subjects) are to be divided into homogenous sub samples.

  • What
    independent variables or treatments are to be measured?

  • What
    dependent variables are to be measured?

  • How
    the extraneous variables are to be controlled?

8. Time consumed in mall
intercept interview is .





“Teacher should create a friendly environment in the classroom” this is the
type of .

Leading question

Loaded question

Double Barreled

Burdensome question

Departmental stores selected to test a new merchandising display system is the
example of .

Quota sampling

Convenience sampling

Judgmental sampling

Purposive sampling


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Post by Admin Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:36 pm

  • Discrete variable is
    also called……….

    • Categorical

    • Discontinuous

Both A & B

    • None
      of the above

  • “Officers in my
    organization have higher than average level of commitment”

Such a hypothesis is an example of……….

A. Descriptive Hypothesis

Directional Hypothesis

C. Relational

D. All
of the above

  • ‘Science’ refers to……….

A. A
system for producing knowledge

B. The
knowledge produced by a system

C. Both A & B

D. None
of the above

  • Which one of the
    following is not a characteristic of scientific method?

    • Deterministic
    • Rationalism
    • Empirical

D. Abstraction

  • The theoretical
    framework discusses the interrelationships among the……….

A. Variables

B. Hypothesis

C. Concept

D. Theory

  • ………research is based on

A. Field

    • Descriptive

    • Basic

    • Applied

  • Personal interviews
    conducted in shopping malls are known as………

    • Mall

B. Mall
intercept interviews

    • Brief

    • None
      of the given options

  • ……… is used to obtain
    the freest opinion of the respondent, by asking general question before a
    specific question.

    • Research

    • Qualitative

C. Funnel

    • Quantitative

……… the interviewer and members jointly control the pace and direction of the


Telephonic interview

Both A and B

None of the given options

  • Randomization
    of test units is a part of ………

    • Pretest
    • Posttest
    • Matching

D. Experiment


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STA630 Research Methods All Quiz Empty Re: STA630 Research Methods All Quiz

Post by Admin Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:36 pm

Which one of
the following aspect to be evaluated during “Pilot Testing”?

Reactions of Respondents

Discovering errors in the

Sampling procedure can be checked

All of the given options

Which of the
following issues should NOT be mentioned in an introductory statement?

The information will be kept

What the findings of the
research are?

Who is funding the
research? ??

Why the respondent has been

Which of the
following is NOT a major method of data collection?


Focus groups

Correlation method ??

Secondary data

Statistics are
used by researchers to:

Analyze the empirical data
collected in a study ??

Make their findings sound better

Operationally define their

Ensure the study comes out the
way it was intended

Which of the
following is true?

A study can be internally valid
but not externally valid

A study can be externally valid
but not internally valid

A study must be both internally
and externally valid

The internal and external
validity of studies are not related in any way

The findings
from a study of decision making processes within a UK financial services
company can be generalized to:

Decision making processes in all
financial services companies ??

Decision making processes in the
all UK companies

Decision making processes in the
researched companies

Companies all over the world


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Post by asif051 Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:37 am

Who is funding the
research? ??


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